The path to adoption from a California Guardianship

The California Probate Court has jurisdiction over matters related to guardianship of minors and the termination of parental rights. In California, the process of terminating parental rights is governed by the Probate Code, which grants the Probate Court exclusive jurisdiction over these types of cases.

To have a child declared free from the custody and control of a parent in California, a petition must be filed in the Probate Court. The petition must include a detailed explanation of the reasons why the child should be declared free from the parent’s custody and control, such as abuse or neglect.

The Probate Court will then evaluate the evidence and determine whether the child’s best interests would be served by terminating parental rights. If the court finds that it is in the child’s best interests, it may terminate parental rights and grant custody to another individual or entity, such as a relative, foster family, or adoption agency.

In summary, the California Probate Court is the proper jurisdiction for a petition to have a child declared free from the custody and control of a parent because it has exclusive jurisdiction over matters related to guardianship of minors and the termination of parental rights in California.

If you are the Guardian of a minor for more than two years and you are considering adoption, please give us a call at (951) 226-5294